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5 Reasons to Consider LASIK This Year

February 14, 2024

2024 is the time to consider your goals. Some of these goals will likely be health-related, so why not consider your vision in your New Year’s Resolution?

If you are tired of wearing glasses or contacts, seeking a more permanent solution can make your life easier and better. LASIK is an excellent option for many individuals who want better vision, without glasses or contacts.

If improved eyesight is something you want in 2024, keep reading to learn five great reasons to consider getting LASIK this upcoming year! 

What Is LASIK?

LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is a popular eye surgery that can correct refractive errors permanently. Refractive surgeons perform LASIK to help patients increase their visual freedom and allow them to have less dependence on visual aids like glasses and contact lenses.

While LASIK does involve surgery, it has a high success rate, and the procedure is quick. You will need someone to drive you from the appointment, but side effects are relatively few. 

How Does LASIK Work?

During the LASIK procedure, your eye doctor uses a special laser to reshape your cornea. The cornea is the round and transparent structure at the front of your eye.

The cornea is a vital part of vision as it bends the light that enters your eye and sends it to the retina at the back of your eye. When the cornea is too steep or too flat, or if your eye is too short or too long, it can cause problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Do you want to learn if LASIK may be right for you?

Take the LASIK Self Test

Why You Should Consider LASIK

Now that you know the basics of LASIK and how it works, it’s essential to know some of the benefits of this procedure. While LASIK isn’t for everyone, it is a good option for many patients.
Here are some of the top reasons to ask your ophthalmologist if LASIK is right for you:

Reason 1: Improve Your Vision

The primary reason to consider LASIK is to improve your vision. In most cases, patients who receive LASIK end up with 20/20 vision or better.

The exact results will vary based on the shape of your cornea and the exact vision issues you have, but overall, LASIK is a very successful surgery. 

Reason 2: Reduce Or Remove The Need For Glasses And Contacts

Because LASIK improves your vision, it has the added benefit of reducing or removing the need to rely on vision aids like glasses or contacts. 

In fact, many people who get LASIK no longer need glasses or contacts at all. When you don’t need these vision aids any longer, it’s much easier to go about your daily life without worry.

For the few people who still need glasses or contacts after LASIK, their eyesight still improves. In these cases, individuals don’t need as strong of a prescription or can use their vision aids less often. 

Reason 3: Makes Your Hobbies Easier To Do

When you have poor eyesight, it can be a challenge to enjoy hobbies. While wearing contacts and glasses can help, they aren’t perfect. 

You also have to remember to wear them. After LASIK, you no longer have to worry about these frustrations. You look forward to enjoying many of your favorite hobbies, such as cooking, reading, sports, and much more, without having to rely on visual aids.

Reason 4: Saves You Money

While LASIK does cost money, it’s a one-time investment. When you look at the cost of paying for glasses and contact lenses throughout your life, you save money by improving your eyesight permanently.

In most cases, you won’t need to purchase vision aids anymore, so you could save up to hundreds of dollars each month, especially if you require specialized contacts. 

Reason 5: Be More Comfortable During Allergy Season

During allergy season, your eyes will water and itch. When you’re wearing contacts or glasses, this can be particularly frustrating. You won’t be able to touch your eyes without messing up your contacts or adjusting your glasses.

If you get LASIK, you’ll be more comfortable during allergy season as you won’t have to deal with these added frustrations. 

Who Is A Good Candidate For LASIK?

While LASIK brings excellent results and improves quality of life, not everyone is a good candidate. The easiest way to know if LASIK is right for you is to book an appointment at Arlington Eye Center. 

During your visit, our eye care professionals will determine which treatment options are right for given your vision requirements and medical history.

However, in general, you may be a good candidate for LASIK if: 

You Are Older Than 18

It’s important to be an adult before getting LASIK, as vision can change more frequently in childhood. 

Your Eyes Are Healthy

While LASIK improves vision, it doesn’t cure eye diseases. Certain eye problems increase the potential risks of LASIK and reduce the likelihood of success. 

Your Corneas Are Thick Enough

In order to make the flap on the surface of your cornea during the LASIK procedure, your eye doctor will make sure that your corneas are thick enough before qualifying you for LASIK.

You Have Stable Vision

It is also important that your vision has been stable for at least one year prior to getting LASIK. This helps ensure that the procedure will be successful.

There are many things our eye care professionals will consider before suggesting LASIK, but for many adults with healthy eyes, LASIK is a successful, life-changing option.

Are you ready to learn if LASIK is right for you?

Take the LASIK Self Test

Schedule a LASIK Evaluation

You deserve to have an improved quality of life in 2024 and beyond! Let this be the year that you give yourself visual freedom.

Do you want to learn if you might be a good candidate for LASIK? Schedule a LASIK evaluation at Arlington Eye Center in Arlington, VA, today!